The Light After

A new way to move through your grief

A transformational program for those ready to move through their grief. We teach you how to not only survive, but to thrive, in the face of grief. We do this by providing a compassionate, empowering space for you to care for yourself, get to know your grief, and intentionally navigate your grief journey.

The Light After

Your loved one’s death doesn’t have to end your life.
Your grief can drive your purpose and path forward.

Before we dive into details about this experience,
let’s make sure that you’re a good fit:

The Light After Program is right for you if your life shifted dramatically into a life you didn't want, expect, or know how to handle. You’ve struggled for weeks or months or years with what everyone else has told you that you should be doing, and not much of it has helped.

The Light After Program is right for you if you can’t imagine how to live the rest of your life without your person, you are feeling stuck in your grief, but you want to better understand it, and you are ready to experience your grief in a different way.

This program is right for you if you feel any one of these….

  • You are missing your loved one like crazy, and don’t know how to live without them, but are ready to consider what that might look like. You feel like half of you is missing, and you can take care of your most basic needs (most days), but that’s about it, and it feels utterly impossible ever to love again.

  • You were never taught anything about grief or death, but now you realize it’s something you want to understand. You wonder if you’re crazy because the rest of the world seems to have moved on, you don’t understand why everything “still” feels so hard, you worry that you might be grieving “wrong,” and you’re questioning your entire belief system.

  • You’re getting the message that it’s time to “move on,” and you’re wondering if that might be your next right step. Your mom, best friend, or the grocery store checkout clerk all seem to have an opinion on how you “should” grieve. Sometimes, it feels like people are avoiding you, and you’d give almost anything to hear your loved one’s name said out loud.

  • You feel stuck in your grief and want to get unstuck. You either feel unable to make changes you want to make, or you’ve made too many irrational decisions; you know you want to feel differently, but you have no idea how to get there, and now you’re having physical symptoms like sleep issues, tension, or digestive issues.

  • You have littles in your life and don’t know how to support them in their grief, but you desperately want to do it right.  You don’t know how to support any children in your life through their grief, you’re not sure how to talk to children about death, and you don’t know how a child’s grief might be different than an adult’s grief.

If you're nodding your head (or even shedding a tear), HI.

Hi. We see you. You're in the right place. And we’re glad you’re here.

The Light After will give you the compassion, tools, inspiration, and expert guidance to move through your grief and create a life you love.

The Light After Gives You The Support And Tools You Need To Move Through Your Grief.

We invite you to reserve your spot in the program.

This course includes:

The Light After is a self-guided digital course designed to support your healing.

Your grief can drive your purpose and path forward. Let us show you how.

What's inside The Light After?

  • Module 01: Grief Explored: Understanding the Many Facets of Loss

  • Module 02: The Life You Never Wanted: Navigating Grief as a Young Woman

  • Module 03: Healing in the Shadows: Navigating Disenfranchised Grief with Compassion and Support

  • Module 04: Mindful Healing: Navigating Grief with Yoga Philosophy

  • Module 05: Unraveling Little Hearts - Understanding Children's Grief

Access to these bonus resources & guides:

  • ”Help Me! A Manual for your Loved Ones”

  • ”Self-Care for Grieving Young Women” Guide

  • ”How To Respond to The Stupid Things People Say When You’re Grieving” Guide 

  • "Yamas and Niyamas: Intro to Yoga Philosophies" Guide

  • ”The Vagus Nerve: Your Pathway to Wellness & Balance” Guide

  • ”Navigating Estate Closure While Grieving” Guide

  • "Creating Lasting Tributes: A Guide to Personalized Memorials”


“lovelew changed my life. I know, it’s dramatic, but truly, after my partner died, my life was at a point where I didn’t know how to direct it anymore.”

-Meg, 25

“Every day I felt all these confusing feelings; I was living in a state of anxiety and peril, even just to go to the grocery store…I went from a highly reactive and emotional person, so easily triggered, that daily life was difficult. I am no longer the shell of who I was, and now am the best version of myself – all because lovelew showed me the way.”

-Kelsey, 41

By the end of The Light After you will....


You’ll gain a deeper understanding of what grief really is—and what it isn’t.


You’ll recognize that while your grief is uniquely yours, you’re not alone in experiencing it.


You’ll learn how to identify your needs during grief and how to speak up for them.

You’ll understand how grief affects your body, brain, and nervous system, and what steps you can take to feel better.



You’ll discover how to ask for support and communicate with people who may not fully understand what you’re going through.

You’ll find simple, practical ways to take care of yourself and manage your grief.



You’ll learn how to support grieving children in ways that are appropriate for their age and development.

What’s inside

the light after?

  • Understanding the Many Facets of Loss

    In this module, you will learn how we at lovelew define grief, and how we view grief differently. You will learn the different types of grief, grief timelines, and the 4 most common myths about grief (and you will be given full permission to ditch them NOW).

    By the end of this module, you’ll have a greater understanding about your grief and the ways it impacts your mental and physical well-being. Plus, you’ll truly understand the importance of self-care and seeking support during the grieving process.

  • Navigating Grief as a Young Woman

    In this module, you will learn about how experiencing grief at a young age, and due to a partner’s sudden death, is a different type of grief. And, you’ll understand why the advice you’ve been given so far probably hasn’t landed.

    By the end of this module, you’ll be able to start rediscovering your identity after your partner’s death. You’ll also be able to give yourself permission to continue changing, growing, and loving in honor of your partner.

  • Navigating Disenfranchised Grief with Compassion and Support

    In this module, you will dive deep into disenfranchised grief. This lesson will teach you the tools to acknowledge and be with your grief, which are the first steps to moving through your grief.

    By the end of this module you will know that your unique expressions of grief are an important part of your individual healing process. You will understand that grief is not a one-time event or a step-by-step path, and is instead an individual, ever-changing journey.

  • Navigating Grief with Yoga Philosophy

    In this module, you’ll learn the power of healing through presence. Yoga, through philosophy, breathwork, and movement, is an incredibly grounding and transformative practice. By learning more about this important self-care tool for grieving women, you’ll be able to give yourself space. Space for grief. Space for feelings. Space for healing. Space for your Self.

    By the end of this module you will learn how yoga can help you grieve, even if you're inflexible and have never been (and will never be) on a yoga mat. You will learn how yoga practices can help you to find comfort in discomfort, peace in the present, and a feeling of connection to your body again (or for the first time).

  • Understanding Children's Grief

    In this module, you’ll learn that grief isn’t just an adult thing. Grief impacts children in similar, but different, ways. You’ll learn how to help children with their grief, knowing how they handle grief isn’t the same way you do. You’ll learn different ways to support your child’s grief, depending on their age and developmental stage. This bonus module gives you important insight into your child’s grief, and teaches you how you can shape your child's understanding of death and grief for the rest of their life.

    By the end of the module you will, learn how children's experiences of grief can differ significantly from that of adults due to their developmental stage, understanding of death, and coping mechanisms. And just like your grief, it’s okay for them to feel different and grieve differently than you.

Our Guarantee

In the wake of loss, the world can seem unrecognizable. The path through, obscured by the fog of grief, can feel insurmountable. At The Light After, we understand the profound depth of your sorrow, and the unique challenges you face as a young woman grappling with the sudden death of your loved one. This is why we've meticulously crafted a digital course designed specifically for women like you—a compassionate, empowering space where you can care for yourself and navigate your grief journey with grace and strength.

Your journey is your own. And you will know when you are ready.

That’s why we offer a full refund on the course after 14 days. If you sign up and start to do the work, but it’s too much, know that that’s okay.

If you are not yet ready for The Light After, you and your grief are still welcome here.


  • If you’ve read this far, you are likely ready. Grief can feel overwhelming and exhausting, but you can take this program at your own pace, learning on your own timeline.

  • Of course. Your grief timeline is your own, and you should feel all your feelings. The program will give you tools to support you through those times, whenever they may come up.

  • This course is self-directed. If you need 1:1 support or assistance, someone from the lovelew team will jump in to help.

  • This is up to you. This is a program to support you through your grief, created by a licensed therapist. The Light After is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of treatment from a physician or therapist.

  • None at all. We even have a special gift for you after you enroll in the program.

  • No! You only need a stable internet connection to watch the videos and download the materials for each module.

  • As much time as you need. There is no rush to complete the work. The average student spends 1-2 hours per week outside of the videos.

  • The Light After is best experienced taking one module at a time. Each module builds on the last, teaching you skills to understand and work through your grief.

  • We offer a full refund on the course for up to 14 days after purchase. If you sign up and start to do the work, but it’s too much, know that that’s okay.

    If you are not ready for The Light After, you are still welcome here. You and your grief are always seen here.

A letter from Grief On purposes’ founder,

Laura Walton

To my fellow griever,

Hi. I’m so sorry we had to meet on these terms, but I’m happy that you’ve found me. I know the world of grief is a confusing and lonely one.

Grief On Purposes’ journey began in 2007, when I was 26. Beau, my then on-again, off-again boyfriend/best friend in the whole world died unexpectedly of a heroin overdose.

In those early days, months, and years, as I grappled with my profound grief, I realized that the support and resources available to me were woefully inadequate. This experience ignited a deep calling within me to find a way to support others navigating the isolating and overwhelming path of grief. Beau’s death became a turning point, sparking a sense of purpose, responsibility, and a conviction that supporting others in their grief was my destined path.

Through my grief, and because of my grief, I created Grief On Purpose. Grief On Purpose is a safe and compassionate space for individuals facing grief, death, or dying. We’re a team of advisors who work with grieving women every day… we’re also a team who have experienced profound grief. We’ve been in your shoes. We are you.

We created The Light After as an extension of the work we do everyday at Grief On Purpose. The Light After is a place where you’re gently guided through your grief on your walk home to your self– on your own timeline – and while honoring the love you shared with your partner, and the love you have for yourself.

When you’re ready, I really hope you’ll join us.

With love, and in their memory,
